Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Being Different

                Today while I was brainstorming I was thinking about how many clothing/fashion stores were already out there. There are quite a few that is for sure. It is very important that I make sure that my store stands out from all others, which this goes for anyone and their business. If you do not do something different and unique with your business you will just be another store along with the others. It is very important for my business that I maybe have a different style, offer special discounts, or anything at all that would make my store standout to my customers. When it comes to fashion you absolutely must have everything up to date. Everyone will be searching for the newest styles out. Perhaps if your store could somehow get your products in faster than others your customers would know exactly where to go to find their new outfit as soon as possible before anyone else was wearing it!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Nostalgic Momments

I am feeling very nostalgic this afternoon. I know that I often talk about the old vintage styles like my grandma wore and how these styles are starting to come back.  I love this because all those old clothes that I got from her after she passed away are precious memories of her that I wouldn’t give all the money in the world for. Because these styles are coming back, I can now take some of her old clothes and with a little tweaking, enhance my closet with beautiful new pieces that I can wear and not only look stylish in but also feel close to my grandma through the sweet memories of childhood that the clothing brings back to mind. These are clothes that at one point in my life I thought I would never ever wear anything that even looked close to it because they weren’t “cool” clothes; however, now that I am older and these styles are coming back I realize that she wasn’t as out of style as I once thought.  One day I hope to carry a line of clothing in my store that will replicate the clothing that my grandma wore throughout my childhood and in that way always keep her memory alive.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

High Prices Cheap Quality


Have you ever noticed that some of your old clothes that you may still have put up in a box somewhere may actually be in much better condition than the shirt or pants that you just bought a year ago? Seems to me like you more than likely just paid twice as much money for cheap material that will wear out easily. I actually have a few old shirts of my mom’s that she had when she was a teenager and there isn’t a hole one. Most of the clothing that I have now already seems to be worn out. I believe that you not only must have good style but most importantly have good strong long lasting material! Once your customers start noticing that the clothing and products such as shoes also start falling apart they won’t be buying them from your store much longer! I think that if you start out buying good material in the beginning your business will be more successful in the end!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Keeping Up With Ideas

                I am all the time keeping record of ideas that I may find, whether it be searching the web or just snapping a picture of something that catches my eye. Anything that I see that I may have the slightest idea on how to make it better or even just come up with something completely different, I keep pictures of it on my phone in a specific album. I constantly have ideas running through my head all day. Sometimes I’ll even Google a certain something just to see what ideas I can get from it. My friends and I were shopping a few weeks ago in Huntsville and went in a store called Altered State. Their merchandise was very unique and classy but however the items seemed a bit pricey. I thought to myself I could make some of those same things for half the price at what they were selling it for. So I took at few pictures of their clothing and household items to keep for myself for later on when I will be brainstorming.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Trash to Treasure

Today I found an old pair of shorts that I hadn’t worn in forever. I had thought to myself what can I do to maybe bring this item back in style but with a slightly different new look? Then I remembered that I had a roll of lace that was thin and see through. I took the lace and hand sewed it around the front pockets of the shorts. With the shorts already being a little worn out adding the thin lace gave it a comfortable but classy look. Instead of just having a pair of plain old blue jean shorts that I would normally wear with a t-shirt, I had pretty much a new pair of shorts that I could now wear with one of my more dressy tops. Not only is it a great idea for a new style but I used something that I already had just to give it a try with not even spending a penny!